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Tag Archives: Environmental

Plastic Bags & Big Tobacco: Switch to Reusable Bags Now!

plastic_bag_warsThe August 4 issue of Rolling Stone (of all places!) includes an amazing article by Kitt Doucette about the lack of importance the US places on curbing—nevermind eliminating—single use disposable bags. Did you read it? Are you angry? You should be!

Guinness World Records has named plastic shopping bags as “the most ubiquitous consumer item in the world.” As we’ve been saying for a long time, they are also a leading source of pollution.

But did you know that while the rest of the developed world is fighting to curb or eliminate plastic bag usage, the US plastics industry is doing whatever it takes to defeat anti-bag measures nationwide? Among their tactics: political donations, intensive lobbying, misleading PR campaigns, and lawsuits.

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A Custom Reusable Bag Contradiction

tosh.0_blog_mike_pomranzWe, of course, love the idea of everyone never, ever, ever using another plastic shopping bag. We are also realistic, and know that this is one wish that will probably not come true for a long while.

However, if you’re going to try to make the switch to reusable bags for shopping, and you feel the need to broadcast your efforts on a customized tote, make sure you abide by Dr. Seuss’ wise elephant, Horton, and “Say what you mean, and mean what you say!”
Contradicting your shopping bag choice is never eco-cool!

Thanks, Tosh.0 for sharing!

It’s Official: Bulletin Bottle [.com] is Here!

bbottle_for_fbYou, our loyal Bulletin Bag clients, have increasingly searched for eco-friendly products that compliment your reusable bag efforts, and many of you turned to water bottles. Well, we’ve been listening to your requests, and we are very proud to announce the launch of Bulletin Bottle [.com]!

We know your time is at a premium, and in this economy your marketing dollars need to stretch as far as possible. We have filled Bulletin Bottle with quality products that won’t break your budget. Rest assured that we only include products that have been tested and are safe for you and your audience–and that are manufactured by factories that value social compliance as much as you do.

We are very excited about our new division, and can’t wait to hear your thoughts! As always, if you have any questions or feedback, or if you’d like for us to offer some suggestions for your upcoming project, please don’t hesitate to let us know. We are here to help you!

Printed Reusable Bags Popular Earth Day Incentives

green_earthEarth Day is April 22, and it’s not unusual for retailers to offer special incentives to encourage their customers to think about the environment. As usual, we love to hear about reusable grocery bags as vehicles for these promotions!

Here are a few Earth Day-related promos that have hit our radar.

Chicago: Big Bowl restaurants are handing out free “Earth Matters” grocery totes on April 22 with every takeout order. Every time you reuse the bag to pick up food, receive $0.50 off for the life of the reusable bag.

Texas: H-E-B is giving away 250,000 custom printed reusable shopping bags on Saturday, April 16, from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Customers who bring in five or more plastic bags for recycling will receive a coupon for one free reusable H-E-B shopping bag. Last year, H-E-B and its customers recycled 3.87 million pounds of plastic bags across the state!

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Grocery Chains Eliminate Reusable Shopping Bag Rebates

Some supermarket chains, including Kroger and Safeway, believe that modest per-reusable-bag rebates at checkout have done little to remind customers to bring reusable grocery bags.

Kroger Co., the nation’s largest supermarket chain, had stopped (in many regions) giving 3- to 5-cent rebates or fuel discounts for each reusable bag. Company officials say they’re focusing more on promotions and educational efforts, as they found no significant difference between reusable shopping bag use in markets with rebates and those without them.

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Bag It: Filmmaker Tackles Plastic Bags In FilmBag It: Filmmaker Tackles Plastic Bags In Film

grateBag It, a documentary produced and directed by Suzan Beraza, depicts Americans’ single-use consumption obsession of plastic bottles, plastic bags and to-go cups.

The film follows Telluride (Colorado) resident Jeb Berrier’s personal quest to learn more about the effects plastic consumption has on the environment and our health. It is an eye-opening glimpse into the usage of plastic and a wake-up call for how reckless its consumption is.

The ultimate question the movie raises: How does the brief usage of a disposable product that lasts forever make sense?

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Two Ideas For Your Unwanted Plastic Bags: Make Gasoline And Beds!

Now that you’re dedicated to using cool printed reusable grocery bags, what will you do with your surplus of plastics that have accumulated around your house? Here are two nifty ideas that made news this week.plastic_bags_mricciardi

1. Make gasoline! A Japanese inventor has created a machine suitable for home use that can turn plastic waste into fuel. Akinori Ito’s machine heats up household plastics, traps the vapors in a system of pipes and water chambers that cools and condenses them back into crude oil. The crude is suitable for use in generators and some types of stoves and can be further refined into gasoline.

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Reusable Bags for Shopping Lead to Solar Power

groundmount_webRemember our blog back in 2009 about Colorado ski towns Telluride and Aspen? The residents battled to see who would hold bragging rights over using the most reusable bags for shopping—and earn new solar panels for its high school.  That original competition resulted in the 2009 Colorado Association of Ski Towns (CAST) Reusable Bag Challenge.

Why are we writing about this two years later? The town that won the Reusable Bag Challenge just debuted a new $50,000 solar power system at its middle school—a system that was created because of the town’s victory back in 2009.

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Reusable Bag Law Launches in Kauai and Maui

byobagIn Hawaii, Kauai and Maui are leading the way by banning single use plastic bags that easily find their way into water streams, ocean currents and the stomachs of birds and fish. The laws went into effect on January 11.

On Kauai, all commercial businesses, including restaurants and takeout food establishments, are restricted from providing plastic bags at checkout. Recyclable paper bags and biodegradable bags will replace plastic. Businesses that fail to comply face a $250 per-day fine for the first notice, $500 a day for the second notice, and $1,000 a day for the third. Plastic bags are permitted for raw meat, poultry, produce and bagging up bulk foods. Dry cleaning plastic garment bags are exempt from the ban.

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Bulletin Bag [.com] Pledge: End Plastic Bag Use in 2011

  • Around the world, four to five trillion plastic bags are used each year
  • Every one of those bags takes an average of 750 years to decompose
  • Roughly 46,000 pieces of plastic litter are floating in every square mile of ocean
  • One hundred thousand marine mammals and sea turtles will die this year from ingesting plastic

Got your attention? Ready to do something about it?

Join Bulletin Bag [.com] in our efforts to reduce plastic waste by increasing the use of reusable bags. Sign our pledge, show your commitment, and share your ideas on reducing plastic bag consumption.

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